Sunday, Sep 6 2009 


For 2 days in a row it’s been raining, slightly cold, and windy.

It’s always a treat walking out of the gym with the rain pelting my back, standing in a puddle of water while trying to unlock my door.  I guess I’ll have to take my rain coats and boots to the gym next time.

Today I was going to change the oil in my car, but the cold gives me an excuse not to.  Yes, the garage is not heated, therefore my hands may be  numbed by the arctic chill and I would lose the dexterity in my fingers that could secure the oil pan bolt.

Since I’ve lived in Oregon all my life I should be use to this.  But I’m not.

This has inspired me to take a trip…. to Hawaii!!!  I have a friend that lives over there and he invited me to stay at his place.  Airline tickets are $300 for round trip, and considering I haven’t really taken a vacation all year, I feel like I’m due.  Why not prolong the summer a little bit longer, and it’s especially nice since I’m not going back to school!

I think it’s time to hit the gym again.  Time to get my beach bod back in shape for vacation!


Going to the Gym Saturday, May 9 2009 

There are some odd people in this world, and it sure seems like they congregate at the gym.

I try to get in a solid workout at least 4 times a week, and if I’m lucky, I’ll make it 6 times.  

The main reason I don’t got 7 days a week is because I hate going when the gym is busy.  When the gym is busy, I have to wait to get use the machine I want to use, or to use the weights I want.  So if the only free time I have is during busy hours, I refuse to go. **If Patience is a virtue, than I must not be too virtuous**

But today I broke that rule of refusal.  I went around the time when everyone gets off work and it was swarming.  A majority of the cardio equipment is used by women, and most of the weights are in use by men.  I’m not trying stereotype, it’s just the truth!

I always take my ipod/headphones because they get me in the zone.  Less people to talk to equals a better workout for me.  “Who talks to people at the gym” you might ask.  I strangely know a good number of people and while I like catching up, I need to have my game face on.

What really breaks my focus though, are all the men that think they are tough.  Sure, some guys at the gym are huge and tough.  I would not want to “tango” with these fellas.  I’m not talking about those guys though.  I’m talking about the guys that aren’t strong whatsoever, but think they are.  They spend countless hours every day flexing in front of the mirror.  They check themselves out when they get out of the shower and wink at the girls on the treadmills as they walk by.

There’s one individual that I’ve seen a number of times, but the other day, during busy hours, is what really sticks in my mind.  This guy, who is pasty white (not that I should talk), obese, and balding,  always walks in strutting his stuff.  Even a blind person could tell this guy thinks he hot stuff just by the way he walks.  This time though, I discovered his profession.  He works at Taco Bell!  Hot stuff!  I watched him do a few pull-ups, and he would never pull himself all the way up, and he never let himself all the way down.  He just kind of jerked his knees enough to move up and down around 6  or 8 inches.  Basically, he looked like a fish out of water struggling to survive.  Anyway, this guy moves on to bench press (chest muscles/pectoral muscle).  As he’s doing his repetitions, he’s grunting with every movement.  He wasn’t doing the full motion of the excise again, but he did add something else.  A wind breaker!  No, not a jacket.  He passed gas.  Lay off the chalupas buddy!

Then there was this other guy who was fit, but not at fit as he thought he was.  As he was lifting, he would grunt extremely loud whether it was his first repetition or his tenth.  I don’t want to sound crass, but I think that may be unavoidable if I truly want to explain the sound coming out of his mouth.  It sound like an orgasm.  

I’m sorry, but I had to say it.  It was eating away at my soul to keep it to myself.

Really people, I know working out and everything gives you a shot of endorphins, but you’re not Fabio.  Keep your sex noises to yourself or significant other.  If you really think about it, the biggest guys in the gym don’t make any noise when they lift, but here you are, one of the smaller ones, and you grunt like you’re lifting a semi full of babies of a train track.
